Learning Bytes: GitHub Integration

Learn how to setup CI/CD on Astro with the GitHub Integration!

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📚 Overview

In this Learning Byte, you'll discover how to use Astro's GitHub integration to quickly implement CI/CD for Apache Airflow and deploy code to Astro. You will join Paola Peraza (Co-founder & VP, Product Growth) to review the benefits and challenges of setting up CI/CD with Airflow, as well as see a demo of how to setup the GitHub integration to enable CI/CD for a existing Astro deployment.

🧠 Key Takeaways

At the end of this Learning Byte, you will be able to: 

  • Identify the challenges of manually setting up CI/CD for Apache Airflow
  • Explain how the GitHub integration on Astro works
  • Setup CI/CD for an Astro Deployment using the GitHub integration feature

🧱 Learning Byte Video Chapters

  1. Introduction: An overview of CI/CD with Airflow and an introduction to the GitHub Integration feature
  2. Demo: Setting up CI/CD with the GitHub Integration Feature
  3. Wrap Up: Important notes and additional resources

🚀 Publish Date

This Learning Byte was published on May 20th, 2024. Please note that since the Astro product changes over time, there may be some differences with how the GitHub integration works today.

Curriculum8 min

  • GitHub Integration 8 min
  • Test your knowledge!
  • How was it?

📚 Overview

In this Learning Byte, you'll discover how to use Astro's GitHub integration to quickly implement CI/CD for Apache Airflow and deploy code to Astro. You will join Paola Peraza (Co-founder & VP, Product Growth) to review the benefits and challenges of setting up CI/CD with Airflow, as well as see a demo of how to setup the GitHub integration to enable CI/CD for a existing Astro deployment.

🧠 Key Takeaways

At the end of this Learning Byte, you will be able to: 

  • Identify the challenges of manually setting up CI/CD for Apache Airflow
  • Explain how the GitHub integration on Astro works
  • Setup CI/CD for an Astro Deployment using the GitHub integration feature

🧱 Learning Byte Video Chapters

  1. Introduction: An overview of CI/CD with Airflow and an introduction to the GitHub Integration feature
  2. Demo: Setting up CI/CD with the GitHub Integration Feature
  3. Wrap Up: Important notes and additional resources

🚀 Publish Date

This Learning Byte was published on May 20th, 2024. Please note that since the Astro product changes over time, there may be some differences with how the GitHub integration works today.

Curriculum8 min

  • GitHub Integration 8 min
  • Test your knowledge!
  • How was it?